On behalf of the band, Rob stated:”Having re-released Say we are proud and delighted to have received a sensational review from PROG’s David West, which was spotted and sent to us by our Californian PR guru, and is very much appreciated.
We have had an amazing year bearing in mind we did not exist sixteen months ago.
We won CRS Best Newcomer 2016 in March; enjoyed some fantastic gigs around the UK, including HRH Prog and Cambridge Rock Festival; have agreed a global distribution deal with Cherry Red getting us into shops around the world since October, and ‘properly’ online – and have had a wonderful collection of stellar reviews from USA to Uzbekistan – finishing off with this UK stunner from PROG, which wraps the year up nicely.
Do come along to our Christmas gigs in London and Bilston to find out what David is talking about – and if you can’t make it, we hope to see you aboard Europe’s first ever prog cruise in early March, HMS Prog, which we are all very proud to be part of.”
The band are performing a full album performance plus extras at Boston Music Room Friday 15/12 Doors 7pm and Robin2 Sunday 17/12 doors 6pm. Grab a free Santa hat; get a drink from the bar; see the band – and party out an incredible year with Rob, Lisa, James, Paul, Graham and their guests.
Join us for a fantastic evening of prog rock and Xmas malarkey with extremely special guests; John Mitchell, Luna Kiss and Kepler Ten!
15th Dec | London | Boston Music Room >> bit.ly/2zUWQb1
17th Dec | Wolverhampton | The Robin 2 >> bit.ly/2iEpSBz