Introducing CAIRO

July 19, 2016

Touchstone founder, songwriter, singer and keys man, Rob Cottingham, reveals details of new band; debut album and album launch gigs.

Milton Keynes-based Cottingham has announced his new UK rock band, CAIRO, who will be releasing their debut album, “Say” on 3rd October 2016. The album is available for pre-order through, where you can hear an album demo.

The album has thirteen tracks; is an hour long and includes a prog epic “Nothing To Prove” and a title track rocker, “Say”.

The album includes a special voiceover from Nick Yarris, an innocent man who spent twenty-two years on death row in Pennsylvania.

Anyone who pre-orders before the 9th September will get their album one week in advance of the official release date.

In a statement, Rob said:

“After what I can only describe as amazing support from the industry, I am proud and delighted to announce my new band, CAIRO.

The band comprises Rachel Hill on vocals; James Hards on guitars; Paul Stocker on bass, Graham Brown on drums and myself on vocals and keys.

I was after a new sound with the same sensibilities as in my previous writing but with heavier passages, as well as more ambient, electronic soundscapes – plus more time spent on crafting the blend of male and female vocals within the overall production of the music.

We have just recorded our debut album “Say” at Outhouse Studios, with the mighty John Mitchell (It Bites, Frost*, Lonely Robot, Arena) at the helm, and we will be releasing the album in October. Album launch shows are scheduled in the UK for November with our special guests, Luna Rossa.”

Luna Rossa is the acoustic project from Panic Room songwriters, Anne-Marie Helder & Jonathan Edwards. PROG magazine described their music as ‘acoustica of astonishing beauty’. Jonathan Edwards advised: “We were delighted to be given the opportunity to guest at CAIRO’s album launch gigs – and having heard a few of their songs in advance, we’re really looking forward to sharing a stage with Rob again, as well as his new band mates.”

In a statement, John Mitchell said: “It has been a great pleasure working on this album. It really is a stellar debut and is jam-packed with epic moments, memorable hooks and heart-warming melodies.”

CAIRO are also working on a video for the album title track single, which will be released soon. In the meantime, you can hear and see the band in a trailer on their YouTube page…

The band have also been working with Paul Tippett of Vitamin P (Black Star Riders, Dec Burke, Europe, Frost*, Galahad, Inglorious, It Bites, Kino, Lonely Robot, Twelfth Night) on artwork; Crystal Spotlight web developers (Steven Wilson, JethroTull, Frost*, Haken) and multi-award-winning photographer, Hoss.


Having been invited as guests by the organiser, Dave Roberts, you can meet CAIRO at Cambridge Rock Festival on Sunday 7th August.



The band are also planning, and available for, gig dates next year, and can be followed online for more news and updates. Anyone who wishes to contact the band can do so via their website

Follow the band on their social media sites here:

Twitter: @Cairo_BandUK
Instagram: cairorocks

Rob finished: “We are all tremendously excited to be launching our new band and debut album and we can’t wait to get our music out there. How would I summarise all this?

‘The scarab has landed…’”