Our second studio album Nemesis was recently reviewed on Penny Black Music, and received a very positive appraisal. You can read the full review here. “It is an album that should elevate Cairo higher than the pyramids!”
Nemesis reviewed in Music Street Journal!
Our second studio album Nemesis was recently reviewed on Music Street Journal, and received a very positive appraisal. You can read the full review here. “This act is both classic and genre breaking.”
Nemesis reviewed in Music Street Journal!
Our second studio album Nemesis was recently reviewed on Progressive Rock Central, and received a very positive appraisal. You can read the full review here. “This act is both classic and genre breaking.”
Nemesis reviewed in Progressive Rock Central!
Our second studio album Nemesis was recently reviewed on Progressive Rock Central, and received a very positive appraisal. You can read the full review here. “Nemesis, is a great re-introduction to the musical creativity Rob Cottingham is capable of producing. As a fan of Touchstone and his other works, I am so glad he found a vocalist, in Kat, to sing … Read More
The reviews are in for our latest album NEMESIS
Thank you so much for the amazing response to our latest album, NEMESIS. Here’s just some of the reviews that have caught our eye so far! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Buy, stream and watch here: cairorocks.com/nemesis
Nemesis reviewed in Echoes and Dust!
Our second studio album Nemesis was recently reviewed on Echoes and Dust, and received a glowing appraisal. You can read the full review here. “There’s a sense of insanity, isolated themes, free from all of the chaos, greed, corruption, the waltz-like dance of death, and right to the metallic riffs”
Cairo’s album Nemesis reviewed on RockTimes!
Our second studio album Nemesis was reviewed in RockTimes, with a very positive write up. You can read the review here. “In summary one can say: Cairo set accents with their prog rock, leave room for feelings, but can also really let it rip. Their music is compelling and accessible.”
Cairo score 4/5 review from Music Waves!
Our second studio album Nemesis was recently reviewed on Music Waves, where it was scored 4/5. Read the full review here. “Nemesis”, with its magnificent and very explicit cover, travels through the lands of a progressive quite classic but also rather eclectic, varying the styles with success.” ★★★★
5 Star Review for Nemesis on ProgCritique
Our second studio album Nemesis picked up a 5 star review in ProgCritique, check out the full review here: https://progcritique.com/cairo-nemesis/ “‘Nemesis’ is an exciting album, the compositions are extremely well structured, the melodic themes solid with many genres covered, providing the album with a very pleasant mix. One of my favorites of 2023!” ★★★★★
Cairo have received a stunning new review from Jon Neudorf, Sea of Tranquillity Staff Writer, in which he states: “‘Say’ rivals (writer’s favourite Touchstone album) Wintercoast in terms of melody and instrumental prowess”
New reviews from Background Mag and Music Street Journal for SAY!
Some more great new reviews of our debut album SAY have arrived courtesy of Background Magazine and Music Street Journal! Click the links below to read the full reviews. “This album is an adventure in its self, lyrically and musically. You can always feel the threatening fear. There is a lot of Rob and Rachel singing together and that fits … Read More
Afterglow have given ‘SAY’ a fantastic review ! Check out the English translation below. Original can be found HERE “The English band Cairo, not to be confused with the no longer existing 90s namesake, under the inspiring leadership of Rob Cottingham (Touchstone) are on their debut album. ‘$ @ Y’ moves in the regions of Anathema, with hints of Rush, Genesis and … Read More